Thursday, June 17, 2010


Wowww. My last post was in October. It's now June.. so, that's about.. a gazillion years. I think. I'm surprised I still remember my password.

Anyway. What's up ya'll?

I've started reporting. It's been almost six months. Been fun so far.. normal up's, down's and hair pulling as I go "WHAT THE FUCK?!". Ahh, yes. The working life. I'm starting to appreciate my parents more now.

So.. the hot topic this month? Adaler.. And if you don't know then which rock have you been staying under? I'd like to get the address, join you and be oblivious to the rest of the world for a little bit.

I was just reading the new's earlier and apparently a sperm whale was found dead near the BP oil spill. Kesian.. which pervert came up with the name sperm whale, anyway? Like calling your kid Dick for some odd reason. (Sorry if that offended, but it's true.)

Blah. Brain's a little tired so I'm just randoming.

Okay. Papai nowww..


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