Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm thinking of what to say but I'm not sure if I have anything to say, really.

It's fundamentally simple but at the same time it's kinda hard to say.. you know? I think what I'm referring to is that I'm at a loss for words..

It's been an interesting week really and it's left me a little.. confused/happy/sad/that much more confused/overwhelmed and such and such..

I think that part of growing up is having to learn how to deal with things like these and (my hormones are speaking by the way) it's sad in a way because I'm feeling a little lost (that word again!). Heh.. but nonetheless the journey getting where I need to go and be at is interesting and it's building me from the bottom up and it's.. all good, i think despite the roller-coaster, turbulent week downs.. I love life the way it's supposed to be loved and I'm content.. Content.

It's been good.. Thank you..


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