Friday, July 3, 2009

It's easy to fall in love with people because all we tend to see initially are the perfections.. and when the imperfections arise we tend to take a step back and go, "Hang on. This isn't you," and take more steps back sometimes to the point where that person just looks like a tiny speck in the distance.

The funny thing about being in love with another person, for the most part, is that we tend to oversee their flaws and love them for who they are unconditionally and this is very noble but, you know what? I say we don't oversee their flaws.

We accept them.

We need to learn to accept the fact that with perfection there are also imperfections.. we shouldn't oversee flaws because in doing so we do not learn how to love unconditionally; we would not find out who the real person is behind the facade.

There is a difference between accepting and overseeing from my point of view.

Accepting means take in as a whole. Overseeing means to look what's beyond and the latter shouldn't have to exist because in reality, if we all oversee their flaws then are we truly honest when we say "i love you for you"?


We all want the ones we love to love us for who we are.. i believe we have to do the same for them too..

"Do to others what you would have them do to you."

I'm not sure if i'm making sense. It sounds about right in my head.. heh..


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