Wednesday, July 2, 2008


The diversity of the human personality is simply over-whelming.
There are the "oh-my-god-i'm-so-irresistable-i-just-can't-help-but-love-myself" kind, the "fuck-this-i'm-so-emo-i'm-going-to-slash-my-wrist-and-hope-that-i-don't-die", the "am-i-pretty-enough?", "i-love-my-life-nothing-can-hurt-me" and so on and so forth. There is nothing wrong with being any of these, honestly.

However, there are the ones that annoy me such as the 20-something marrying an 80something-year-old-who-could-drop-dead-by-merely-sneezing tycoon from some foreign land, popularly known as the "gold-digger" or "pengikis" in Malay; the one's who don't really seem to want to consider other people's feelings, best regarded as "selfish", and things like that. Again, I’d like to point out that there isn't anything wrong with being these. I’d just like to express my feelings because, well, i can.

Gold-diggers; i find it morally wrong to want to live off someone else's hard work. If a woman were to marry a millionaire for his money and this rich, probably even oblivious person, gave this woman whatever she desired and sleeps with him, basically fulfilling his every need sexually or not, wouldn't that make her a little bit similar to a sex-worker? Better known as "prostitute". (I didn't say, "make her similar" i said "a little bit similar", there's a difference.) Again, it isn't wrong to eat someone else's earning if you're selfish, lazy and downright egotistical, but, as i said again, this is my opinion and if you don't like it then I’m sorry.

This title does not only apply to women. Men can also be this very degrading type of human species. Take, for example, the vulnerable middle-age woman we see sitting in a coffee shop with a man half her age who is fondly caressing her face that's already showing faint age lines on the corner of her eyes when she smiles at her so-called lover, or maybe even "toy-boy". Yes, i hear you "what about Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore?!" well, both are filthy rich so he doesn't count.

Maybe, because of something perverse, these people just can't help but be bloodsuckers. Maybe because they're just unhappy with their lives and feel that they don't have any sort of purpose and just prefer to take the easy way out and just sit around and wait the inevitable demise of their very sad disposition. We may never know. The human capability in whatever is certainly astounding.

I'm not implying that I don't have flaws. As a matter of fact, I admit that I'm one of those people who tend to annoy the shit out of people for no good reason (besides being fun).

I'm sorry if i've hurt anyone's feelings. Just thinking (or typing, whatever makes you happy) out loud.

Later, love's.


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