Thursday, June 19, 2008


Hi! it's been almost a week since i've last made contact with you people =p.

so, PSK started and Muj played with Bandar Blacks lastnight and, being the oh-so-very-hard-headed person that he is, he played despite a sore chest, which he got on Sunday while playing with the national team, and turns out that his cartilage tore and he has to go to physiotherapy (it took me 5 seconds to try to say it right before typing it down. i've been saying "sociotherapy" for the past 2 days and i feel stupid, haha). anyway, congratulations to the Police team for their win against ABDB, who tied with some other team in the second game and congratulations to the KB team who won against Bandar Blacks.

Bandar Blacks' coach, Sir Ben, got a 5 minute penalty for this thing that happened. he tried to kick the ball during the scrum and accidentally kicked the opposing team and then this white guy from the opposing team pushed sir Ben and Ben pushed back and then jadi kelaie lah..kelaie sampai paloi =p. haha..naw, it didn't go too far. but's a really rough sport.

i promised some photos in my earlier post and it'll come....soonish. promise =).

later lovelies!


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